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Matt Fiddes Ladies Only Kickboxing can change your physique. The classes are fun and exciting and this makes you more inclined to keep going to get the results you are looking for.

On top of this the classes can boost your self-confidence, improve your muscle tone and flexibility and help with weight loss. Come along to a class near you and join in this fun non contact fitness programme.


Matt Fiddes Ladies Only is a non contact kickboxing fitness class that will improve your muscle tone, and sculpt your body and help with weight loss.

The classes are suitable for all ladies, age & ability.

Who, why, where?

Founded by Matt Fiddes the Matt Fiddes Ladies-Only kickboxing programme is designed to help women learn the fundamentals that will improve fitness, self-confidence and personal safety.

Bringing together 6th Degree black belt world renowned martial arts master Matt Fiddes' teaching experience and a team with a passion for Kickboxing and determination to give women the tools to be strong is at the heart of this national Ladies Only network.

Matt Fiddes Ladies-only classes are being rolled out across the country.

Enquiry form

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